This Podcast Covers:
- Sutra 1.2: Yoga Citta Vrtti Nirodah
- The meaning of each individual sanskrit word in Sutra 1.2
- The meaning of them all together
- The definition of Yoga
- The difference between Purusa and Prakriti
- What the Citta is
- What is Suffering
- What is Acceptance
- Reading from Nisargadatta on Pain
- Reading from Adyashanti on Depth
- Learning to work with pain instead of running from it
- Learning to identify with freedom instead of the story of our pain
- Equanimity: staying present with changes
- Will, Willpower & Willingness
- What it means to apply this to our lives
- Quotes from Nelson Mandela, Freiderich Neitzche, Martha Graham, Nini Melvin, and poetry from Antonio Machado.